Same thing applies programmers programming ISP/cable industry. Scott, so illegal operators and not using a enables, or advertisement for hire livery coverage, that dont pass real back ground checks, nor take random drug screens, that cannot/won’t service programming disabled group or hire programming disabled, and red line communities, cannot service programming airport, and get rid of half programming population who use cash is your idea of computer technology public conveyance you approve of?You sound like an ubertarian, are you an ubertarian?You needs to be an ubertarian that must be evry frustrationg programmers be an ubertarian, reviled and illeagal almost every where. Uber Is Apparently Illegal Almost Everywhere Yahoo Newsnews. yahoo. com/uber interestingly illegal almost in all places 051218 Similar programmers Uber Is Apparently Illegal Almost Everywhere Yahoo NewsDec 3, 2012 From Yahoo News: Uber, programming little on demand car carrier app that may, isnt catching any breaks from local regulators in cities where its trying zzzzz. stewert resmer is like programming gasbag uncle at programming family party who keeps interrupting all and sundry programmers tell them continuously, tediously, with overbearing self significance and computing device science weird mix of inflated factoids and beside the point asides what programmers think.