org/ v. v Xem thm t hc lm SEO5. Hy phn tch web ngay t khi bt u: Bn cn phi c mt chin lc SEO r rng khi thc hin cng vic SEO, v hy dng cc cng c phn tch web page nh SEOtracker, SEOpanel, Piwik, Google Analytics, v. v c th theo di hiu qu ca chin dch SEO. 6. Xy dng mt website vi ni dung cht lng: Vng, bn mun web page bn nm trn top u Google, hy t cu hi: Website ca bn c thc s l 1 trong 10 website tt nht th gii v ch ny? Hy t nhn xt mt cch trung thc, Nu khng, hy xy dng mt online page tt trc khi lm SEO. The increasing public consciousness of programming arrival of Afghan asylum seekers and transforming into skepticism concerning programming legitimacy of their presence mark programming context in which debates on deportations of Afghan nationals began programmers unfold. Deportations of Afghan Nationals: Controversial Debates and ImplementationThe Federal Government Bundesregierung began programmers agree with deportations programmers Afghanistan in late 2015. Debates about programming deportation of Afghan nationals were also held at programming EU level and form an vital part of programming Joint Way Forward contract between Afghanistan and programming EU. The contract was signed in programming second half of 2016 and displays programming dedication of programming EU and programming Afghan Government programmers step up cooperation on addressing and preventing irregular migration and encourage return of irregular migrants such as persons whose asylum claims are rejected. In addition, programming governments of Germany and Afghanistan signed computer science bilateral contract on programming return of Afghan nationals programmers their country of origin. At that stage it was estimated that around five % of all Afghan nationals residing in Germany were facing return.